
CUPE 3260 Detailed Executive List

Executive 2022-2023

Work Place Montague Intermediate | E-Mail carolyn.vandaele@icloud.com
H: 902-838-3626 C: 902-326-0967 W: 902-838-0860 F: 902-838-0866

MARION HENDRICKSON - Recording Secretary
Work Place Colonel Gray Senior High School | E-Mail mhendrickson@eastlink.ca
C: 902-569-9687 W: 902-368-6860

ANDREA GARLICK - Secretary Treasurer
Work Place Souris Regional | E-Mail agarlick@live.ca
C: 902-388-1465 W: 902-687-7130

BRENDA DOUCETTE - West Vice-President
Work Place Tignish Elementary | E-Mail brendadeagle@hotmail.com
C: 902-856-2714 W: 902-882-7357 F: 902-882-7353
A+ O’Leary, Alt Ed. Westisle, Alberton, Bloomfield, Ellerslie, Hernewood, ME Callaghan, O’Leary, St. Louis, Tignish, Westisle & EAL Itinerants assigned to any of these schools.

TRUDY DESROCHE - Central West Vice-President
Work Place Three Oaks Senior High | E-Mail trudydesroche@gmail.com
C: 902-786-1642 W: 902-888-8460
A+ West, Alt Ed. Summerside, Amherst Cove, Athena, Elm Street, Greenfield, Kinkora, Kensington Intermediate Senior High, Miscouche, Parkside, Queen Elizabeth, Summerside Intermediate, Somerset, Three Oaks & EAL Itinerants assigned to any of these schools.

KELLY WATTS - Central East Rural Vice-President
Work Place Westwood Primary | E-Mail klwatts16@icloud.com
C: 902-213-8884 W: 902-368-6855
Bluefield, Central Queens, Charlottetown Rural, Englewood, Eliot River, East Wiltshire, Gulf Shore, Lucy Maud, PELP West Royalty, Sherwood, Stonepark, West Royalty, Westwood & EAL Itinerants assigned to any of these schools.

APRIL GALLANT - Central East Urban Vice-President
Work Place St. Jeans Elementary | E-Mail aprildgallant@gmail.com
C: 902-916-3878 W: 902-566-4342
Alt Ed Junior & Senior, Birchwood, Colonel Gray, ELP Birchwood, Glen Stewart, Parkdale, PELP Glen Stewart, Prince Street, Queen Charlotte, Spring Park, St. Jeans, Stratford, West Kent & EAL Itinerants assigned to any of these schools.

KATIE MCDOUGALL-JAY - East Vice-President/First Vice President
Work Place Mount Stewart Consolidated | E-Mail katiemacjay3260@gmail.com
C: 902-393-7423 W: 902-676-7990
Alt Ed Montague High, Alt Ed Montague Cons., Belfast, Cardigan, Donagh, Georgetown, Itinerant East, Montague Cons., Montague Inter., Montague High, Morell Cons., Morell High, Mount Stewart, Souris Regional, Southern Kings & Vernon River

CHANTAL CHANELL-WALSH - French Vice-President
Work Place École Saint-Augustin | E-Mail local320vpfrancaise@outlook.com
C: 902-388-0805 W: 902-963-7842
École Pierre-Chiasson, École Évangéline, École-sur-Mer, École St-Augustin, École François-Buote, & École La-Belle-Cloche